Application Assistance and Loan Consulting- What does the loan consulting fee pay for?

Application Assistance and Loan Consulting- What does the loan consulting fee pay for?

Application assistance is optional; it is an add on service that helps the client have an added layer of reassurance. We will look at the loan as if it has been submitted to the bank for underwriting. If you select this feature, your deal is pre-underwritten using prudent lending practices and SBA eligibility guidelines. The purpose of this is to go beyond a pre-qualification and streamline the loan into underwriting with banks that we already know have an appetite for the deal and its structure. We contact banks have an interest before engaging client for application loan assistance because we like to banks already interested in the concept and deal structure prior, as the goal is to get funding not just an application loan assistance fee. SBA Direct  is will prepare the submission; this company provides lender services and therefore, their underwriting is compliant and succinct with SBA guidelines.  Check out web reviews Application loan assistance and consulting is optional and the fee is $1,500 or $2,500 paid at the time of engagement. The fee is based on loan amount.  It is not based on any contingency or approval. We cannot guarantee approval, no one can. However based on my experience and the characteristics of your deal, this is definitively an SBA deal.  If you don’t choose application assistance, we will submit your deal to banks, we just don’t create a pre-underwritten package that has been analyzed for intricacies found in the SBA program guidelines.  For simple loans, a lot of times, application loan assistance is not necessary.